2014 Black Friday Deals 10FT Green Micro USB to USB 2.0 Charging Charger Sync Data Cable Cord for Samsung Galaxy Kindle Fire Nexus LG HTC Smartphone Tablet Review
10FT Green Micro USB to USB 2.0 Charging Charger Sync Data Cable Cord for Samsung Galaxy Kindle Fire Nexus LG HTC Smartphone Tablet is actually an amazing stuff for a amazing price, worth every dollar. Truly satisfied. Hot Offer 10FT Green Micro USB to USB 2.0 Charging Charger Sync Data Cable Cord for Samsung Galaxy Kindle Fire Nexus LG HTC Smartphone Tablet
Price : $5.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : 01e8c650ff30f18b0c29f374538ac352
Rating :
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10FT Green Micro USB to USB 2.0 Charging Charger Sync Data Cable Cord for Samsung Galaxy Kindle Fire Nexus LG HTC Smartphone Tablet Description
10FT Green Micro USB to USB 2.0 Charging Charger Sync Data Cable Cord for Samsung Galaxy Kindle Fire Nexus LG HTC Smartphone Tablet
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10FT Green Micro USB to USB 2.0 Charging Charger Sync Data Cable Cord for Samsung Galaxy Kindle Fire Nexus LG HTC Smartphone Tablet
Merchant : Newegg.com |
$5.99 |