Black Friday Sale 12.2 in. Galaxy Note Pro - 64GB, SM-P9000ZKFXAR Black Instantly
All-around this 12.2 in. Galaxy Note Pro - 64GB, SM-P9000ZKFXAR Black is exceptionally well designed, is working amazingly, I surely think the purchase online might be worth extra money. Hot Deal 12.2 in. Galaxy Note Pro - 64GB, SM-P9000ZKFXAR Black
Price : $865.76 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : recaro north
Merchant : Sears
Product ID : e3d7fcbcc521602ddb924c273f94618e
Rating :
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12.2 in. Galaxy Note Pro - 64GB, SM-P9000ZKFXAR Black Description
The Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2-in. tablet features a stunning, high-resolution 12.2-in. display, upgraded business essentials and preloaded apps designed to bring you big entertainment on an even bigger screen. Stay productive with the Intuitive S Pen and Multitasking tools and connect, control and play like never before in one, feature-rich package.
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