2014 Black Friday 15V 1.2A AC Adapter 4 ASUS EEE Pad Transformer TR101 TF101G TF700T Tablet AD827M Review
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Price : $18.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : OUTDO Electronics Company Limited
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : 3282379125702f332a782d9c095116a2
Rating :
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15V 1.2A AC Adapter 4 ASUS EEE Pad Transformer TR101 TF101G TF700T Tablet AD827M Description
15V 1.2A AC Adapter 4 ASUS EEE Pad Transformer TR101 TF101G TF700T Tablet AD827M AC Adapter Output Power: 40W
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15V 1.2A AC Adapter 4 ASUS EEE Pad Transformer TR101 TF101G TF700T Tablet AD827M
Merchant : Newegg.com |
$18.99 |