2014 Black Friday 15V/1.2A AC Power Adapter Charger for Asus TF101/TF300t/TF201 (EU Plug) Right Now
15V/1.2A AC Power Adapter Charger for Asus TF101/TF300t/TF201 (EU Plug) is really great for what it really definitely does. Save you time and money via actually purchase at trusted online shops.
Price : $6.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : 575cabe11aeb1368d644bc913d8b3cf4
Rating :
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![15V/1.2A AC Power Adapter Charger for Asus TF101/TF300t/TF201 (EU Plug)](http://i61.tinypic.com/33lzi81.png)
15V/1.2A AC Power Adapter Charger for Asus TF101/TF300t/TF201 (EU Plug) Description
For:Asus; Type:Chargers; Color:Black; Material:Plastic; Cable Length (cm) :120; Weight (kg) :12054; Package Contents:1 Tablet Charger
Just before you buy 15V/1.2A AC Power Adapter Charger for Asus TF101/TF300t/TF201 (EU Plug), you ought to take a look at the attributes of the item, material performance, advantages and disadvantages of the product so effectively. By reading customer reviews of this product, you should read many customer reviews. The genuine customers encounter of these products will help you make a decision on properly, reasonably without getting mistake and really worth for the valuer.