Black Friday Sales 2014 2 Dual USB Ports Charger Adapter EU Plug for SamsungiPhone Smartphone Device Instantly
2 Dual USB Ports Charger Adapter EU Plug for SamsungiPhone Smartphone Device is very great for what it absolutely does. Keep you money and time with actually purchase at reliable online sites. Hot Deal 2 Dual USB Ports Charger Adapter EU Plug for SamsungiPhone Smartphone Device
Price : $2.02 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : b0566f3859c8aef9a0e753832ed0db7f
Rating :
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2 Dual USB Ports Charger Adapter EU Plug for SamsungiPhone Smartphone Device Description
Compatible Device:Universal; Charger Type:Wall Charger; Feature:Dual USB; Cable Lenth (cm) :Very Long (150cm Above) ; Power Supply Standard:EU Plug; Material:Plastic; Color:Black; Input (V) :5; Output (V) :5; Dimensions (cm) :7.0 x 3.5 x 2.0; Weight (kg) :0.03
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