Black Friday Sales 2014 New 9 inch Allwinner A31s Quad Core Tablet pc Android 4.2 HDMI Dual Cameras Phablet Wifi Webcam 1GB RAM 8GB ROM 1280x800 pixels support external 3G dongle Don't Miss
2014 New 9 inch Allwinner A31s Quad Core Tablet pc Android 4.2 HDMI Dual Cameras Phablet Wifi Webcam 1GB RAM 8GB ROM 1280x800 pixels support external 3G dongle is very good quality for just what it absolutely does. Help you save time and money through actually purchase at authentic sites online. Hot Deal 2014 New 9 inch Allwinner A31s Quad Core Tablet pc Android 4.2 HDMI Dual Cameras Phablet Wifi Webcam 1GB RAM 8GB ROM 1280x800 pixels support external 3G dongle
Price : $235.13 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Double King Industry Co., Ltd
Merchant :
Product ID : 582e8a2069146b4b901e5c590ba8bf31
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2014 New 9 inch Allwinner A31s Quad Core Tablet pc Android 4.2 HDMI Dual Cameras Phablet Wifi Webcam 1GB RAM 8GB ROM 1280x800 pixels support external 3G dongle Description
2014 New 9 inch Allwinner A31s Quad Core Tablet pc Android 4.2 HDMI Dual Cameras Phablet Wifi Webcam 1GB RAM 8GB ROM 1280x800 pixels support external 3G dongle Color: Silver Resolution: 1280 x 800 WLAN: 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Bluetooth: No HDMI: 1 x HDMI Webcam: Dual? Cameras Front 0.3MP Back 2.0MP Battery Life: 35hours Dimensions (W x D x H) : 234x155.2x10.1mm
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