2014 Black Friday Deals 30-Pin Connector and USB to HDMI Female Port Adapter Cable for iPhone/iPod/iPad (30pin,15cm/93cm) Don't Miss
30-Pin Connector and USB to HDMI Female Port Adapter Cable for iPhone/iPod/iPad (30pin,15cm/93cm) for sale presently, take a moment to find the latest selling prices comparison and shipping readily available for help you to get the great offer. Hot Offer 30-Pin Connector and USB to HDMI Female Port Adapter Cable for iPhone/iPod/iPad (30pin,15cm/93cm)
Price : $22.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : a04e90d8e88c1cc3da098c44227fe926
Rating :
In case you are really looking to ordering product at a superb quality including an acceptable offer. We very advised 30-Pin Connector and USB to HDMI Female Port Adapter Cable for iPhone/iPod/iPad (30pin,15cm/93cm) is among premium and more prominent item product that you are trying to find. Also if you study it meticulously regarding item detail, attributes and valuable consumer assessments, of course you should certainly not reject to get it one. You can look at the up to date price via the link here.
30-Pin Connector and USB to HDMI Female Port Adapter Cable for iPhone/iPod/iPad (30pin,15cm/93cm) Description
Compatible Models:The New iPad,iPad 2,iPad,iPhone 3G/3GS,iPhone 4/4S,Nano,iPod; Type:Cables; Port:Other,USB,HDMI; Color:White; Features:Other; Material:ABS; Cable Length (cm) :15cm/93cm; Dimensions (cm) :4.5 x 4.4 x 1.6; Weight (kg) :0.039
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30-Pin Connector and USB to HDMI Female Port Adapter Cable for iPhone/iPod/iPad (30pin,15cm/93cm)
Merchant : LightInTheBox |
$22.99 |