2014 Black Friday 3m Easy-Adjust Monitor Arm Tablet Accessory MMMMATABLET Instantly
3m Easy-Adjust Monitor Arm Tablet Accessory MMMMATABLET is actually awesome on what it really absolutely does. Help you save money and time via decide to buy at reliable online stores. Hot Deal 3m Easy-Adjust Monitor Arm Tablet Accessory MMMMATABLET
Price : $114.75 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : 3M
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : c46278478619a600b273b97cea9193ba
Rating :
If you are considering to paying for item with an excellent top quality as well as an acceptable deal. We strongly advised 3m Easy-Adjust Monitor Arm Tablet Accessory MMMMATABLET is just one of top quality and more popular item item that you are trying to find. Even if you examine it meticulously regarding item detail, features and handy customer evaluations, of course you should certainly not decline to buy it one. You could check out the present price through the hyperlink under here.
3m Easy-Adjust Monitor Arm Tablet Accessory MMMMATABLET Description
* Free Shipping * Mounts directly to 3M Easy-Adjust Monitor Arms MMM-MA260MB and MMM-MA240MB for easy viewing adjustment. Integrated anti-skid pads help hold laptop in place. For the Apple iPad and similar tablets. Wall/Ceiling Mounts & Hardware Type: Mounts to 3M Easy-Adjust Monitor Arms - MA260MB and MA240MB Mounting: Monitor Arm Depth: 1 1/4".MMMMATABLET. MATABLET. 3m 3m Easy-Adjust Monitor Arm Tablet Accessory. AV Mounts Wall/ceiling Mounts & Hardware Type: Mounts to 3M Easy-Adjust Monitor Arms - MA260MB and MA240MB Mounting: Monitor Arm Depth: 1 1/4" Width: 4 1/2" Platform Height: 7 3/4" Colors: Black For Use With: iPads and similar size tablets Total Recycled Content Percent: 50% Special Features: Tablet Support
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
3m Easy-Adjust Monitor Arm Tablet Accessory MMMMATABLET
Merchant : Walmart |
$114.75 |