Black Friday Sales 5-in-1 Charging Kit (Car Charger/Travel Charger/Stereo Headset/USB Cable/Audio Splitter) for iPhone 3G/3GS/4G Right Now
Total this 5-in-1 Charging Kit (Car Charger/Travel Charger/Stereo Headset/USB Cable/Audio Splitter) for iPhone 3G/3GS/4G is quite nicely created, is working magnificently, I positively look into the shop for is really worth extra money.
Price : $9.69 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : 8c341a5db07b78228db2f9d3b5c8fbde
Rating :
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![5-in-1 Charging Kit (Car Charger/Travel Charger/Stereo Headset/USB Cable/Audio Splitter) for iPhone 3G/3GS/4G](
5-in-1 Charging Kit (Car Charger/Travel Charger/Stereo Headset/USB Cable/Audio Splitter) for iPhone 3G/3GS/4G Description
Compatible Models:iPod,iPhone 3G/3GS,iPhone 4/4S; Type:Chargers; Port:3.5mm,AC,USB; Color:White; Features:All-In-1; Input (V) :AC adapter: 100-240/ Car charger: 12-24V; Output (V) :DC 5V,1A; Cable Length (cm) :120; Dimensions (cm) :19 x 12 x 2.5; Weight (kg) :0.08; Package Contents:1 Accessory Kit
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