Black Friday 2014 Deals 6FT Red Micro USB to USB 2.0 Charging Charger Sync Data Cable Cord for Samsung Galaxy Kindle Fire Nexus LG HTC Smartphone Tablet Don't Miss
6FT Red Micro USB to USB 2.0 Charging Charger Sync Data Cable Cord for Samsung Galaxy Kindle Fire Nexus LG HTC Smartphone Tablet is truly high quality for what it actually does. Keep you time and money via decide to purchase at highly regarded retail stores online. Hot Deal 6FT Red Micro USB to USB 2.0 Charging Charger Sync Data Cable Cord for Samsung Galaxy Kindle Fire Nexus LG HTC Smartphone Tablet
Price : $4.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
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Product ID : 3fc50f2753b5828da0b3cb4108561d3e
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6FT Red Micro USB to USB 2.0 Charging Charger Sync Data Cable Cord for Samsung Galaxy Kindle Fire Nexus LG HTC Smartphone Tablet Description
6FT Red Micro USB to USB 2.0 Charging Charger Sync Data Cable Cord for Samsung Galaxy Kindle Fire Nexus LG HTC Smartphone Tablet Type: Micro USB Cable Adapter: Micro USB Length: 6 Feet
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6FT Red Micro USB to USB 2.0 Charging Charger Sync Data Cable Cord for Samsung Galaxy Kindle Fire Nexus LG HTC Smartphone Tablet
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$4.99 |