Black Friday Sales 7 inch Dual Core Phone Call Tablet PC MTK8312 ARM Cortex-A7 1.2GHz 512MB Memory 4GB HDD android 4.2 Support bluetooth Wifi Dual Camera GPS USB 3G Instantly
If you have to compared item benefits and value. 7 inch Dual Core Phone Call Tablet PC MTK8312 ARM Cortex-A7 1.2GHz 512MB Memory 4GB HDD android 4.2 Support bluetooth Wifi Dual Camera GPS USB 3G is the perfect decision to get.
Price : $153.59 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Double King Industry Co., Ltd
Merchant :
Product ID : e3b1db86c0c1b414d918c9144d2ad149
Rating :

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7 inch Dual Core Phone Call Tablet PC MTK8312 ARM Cortex-A7 1.2GHz 512MB Memory 4GB HDD android 4.2 Support bluetooth Wifi Dual Camera GPS USB 3G Description
7 inch Dual Core Phone Call Tablet PC MTK8312 ARM Cortex-A7 1.2GHz 512MB Memory 4GB HDD android 4.2 Support bluetooth Wifi Dual Camera GPS USB 3G GPU/VPU: Mali-400 Color: Black CPU Speed: 1.20GHz Resolution: 800 x 480 WLAN: 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Bluetooth: Bluetooth 4.0 Webcam: Front 0.3MP Back 0.3 MP Cameras ,With flashlight AC Adapter: US ADAPTER
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