2014 Black Friday Deals Acer ICONIA B1-710-83171G01nw 16 GB Tablet - 7" - MediaTek 8317T 1.20 GHz - White Right Now
Acer ICONIA B1-710-83171G01nw 16 GB Tablet - 7" - MediaTek 8317T 1.20 GHz - White is extremely an extremely good items for a excellent selling price, worth every dollar. Really pleased. Hot Offer Acer ICONIA B1-710-83171G01nw 16 GB Tablet - 7" - MediaTek 8317T 1.20 GHz - White
Price : $191.01 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Acer
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : 6edae0b78dc7e447256cea50759bf097
Rating :
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Acer ICONIA B1-710-83171G01nw 16 GB Tablet - 7" - MediaTek 8317T 1.20 GHz - White Description
Acer ICONIA B1-710-83171G01nw 16 GB Tablet - 7" - MediaTek 8317T 1.20 GHz - White
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Image | Item | Price | |
Acer ICONIA B1-710-83171G01nw 16 GB Tablet - 7" - MediaTek 8317T 1.20 GHz - White
Merchant : Newegg.com |
$191.01 |