2014 Black Friday Deals Alicia Klein Black Tablet Sleeve/ Wristlet
If you should compared product abilities and price. This Alicia Klein Black Tablet Sleeve/ Wristlet is an excellent substitute for decide to buy. Hot Deal Alicia Klein Black Tablet Sleeve/ Wristlet
Price : $41.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Alicia Klein
Merchant : Overstock.com
Product ID : 1e2b6641f8b8f7f0b6a0a95a04c9df6d
Rating :
If you are thinking about to getting item at a beneficial top quality along with an affordable deal. We extremely suggested Alicia Klein Black Tablet Sleeve/ Wristlet is just one of leading quality and even more well-liked product item that you are trying to find. Even if you examine it very carefully concerning item specification, functions and helpful consumer comments, obviously you should not reject to purchase it one. You can inspect the latest price from the link under here.
Alicia Klein Black Tablet Sleeve/ Wristlet Description
Jazz up your iPad or other 9.5 x 7.25-inch tablet with this gorgeous leather protective case. With Luxe hand-finished leather in a vintage croco print, the case also has padded construction and soft microfiber lining with a removable wrist strap. Color: BlackStyle: Leather bagConstruction: LeatherEntry: Zip-top closureHandles: N/AExterior pockets: N/AInterior pockets: N/ADimensions: 8.25 inches high x 10.75 inches wide x 0.625 inches deepDrop: N/A Measurement Guide
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Alicia Klein Black Tablet Sleeve/ Wristlet
Merchant : Overstock.com |
$41.99 |