Black Friday Sale Anti-Glare Matte Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini i8190 (3 Pcs) Instantly
If you have to in comparison product characteristics and cost. Anti-Glare Matte Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini i8190 (3 Pcs) is a reasonable substitute for get. Hot Deal Anti-Glare Matte Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini i8190 (3 Pcs)
Price : $3.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
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Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : 2e290fbffbb06109325875e8ac989e4d
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Anti-Glare Matte Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini i8190 (3 Pcs) Description
For:Samsung Mobile Phone; Compatible Models:S3 MINI I8190N; Features:Scratch Proof,Anti-Glare; Dimensions (cm) :10.8 x 5.3 x 0.1; Weight (kg) :0.005
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