Black Friday 2014 Apple 30-Pin Male to Female dock extender adapter for iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPod and iPad (Assorted Colors) Right Now
If you have to compared gadget benefits and price. The Apple 30-Pin Male to Female dock extender adapter for iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPod and iPad (Assorted Colors) is the perfect substitute for actually purchase. Hot Deal Apple 30-Pin Male to Female dock extender adapter for iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPod and iPad (Assorted Colors)
Price : $2.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : 9b9e497a0783a175802a2ca76b426866
Rating :
In case that you are searching to getting item at an extremely good top quality along with an affordable price. We very advised this Apple 30-Pin Male to Female dock extender adapter for iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPod and iPad (Assorted Colors) is among top-notch and even more well-liked product product that you are seeking. Also if you learn it carefully regarding item detail, functions and helpful consumer assessments, of course you have to certainly not decline to buy it one. You could inspect the present price via the hyperlink here.
Apple 30-Pin Male to Female dock extender adapter for iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPod and iPad (Assorted Colors) Description
Compatible Models:iPad 2,iPhone 3G/3GS,iPhone 4/4S,iPod,The New iPad; Type:Adapters; Port:Other; Color:Assorted Color,White,Black; Material:TPU; Dimensions (cm) :2.8 x 2.6 x 0.8; Weight (kg) :0.004; Package Contents:1 Adapter
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