Black Friday Deals 2014 "Apple Apple MacBook Pro 13.3"" LED Core i5 Dual-Core, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD Laptop with Software and Bluetooth Speaker Bar" Right Now
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Price : $1549.95 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Apple
Merchant : HSN
Product ID : ec9b30a285dbc8cb7df1987ab6c191b7
Rating :
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"Apple Apple MacBook Pro 13.3"" LED Core i5 Dual-Core, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD Laptop with Software and Bluetooth Speaker Bar" Description
"Apple MacBook Pro 13.3"" LED Core i5 Dual-Core, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD Laptop with Software and Bluetooth Speaker Bar Whether it's for work, school or pleasure, the MacBook Pro comes ready to please. It's loaded with everything you need to get the job done, play on the go and communicate anywhere. Feeling chatty? Use the built-in FaceTime camera to connect face to face with friends, family and colleagues. Weighing less than five pounds, it's easy to take it with you to your next business meeting or on vacation. Its precision aluminum unibody enclosure is as amazing to behold as it is to hold. What You Get Apple MacBook Pro 13.3"" LED laptop 60-watt MagSafe 2 AC adapter AC power cord User guide Manufacturer's 1-year limited warranty with 90 days of telephone technical support Bundled Goodies Bluetooth speaker bar with removable stand and USB charging cable Software Insights for Mac software download voucher Good to Know This item requires access to a wireless router for wireless connectivity. Web content requires a broadband internet connection. For warranty information, please call Customer Service at 800.933.2887 (8 am-1 am ET) ."
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"Apple Apple MacBook Pro 13.3"" LED Core i5 Dual-Core, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD Laptop with Software and Bluetooth Speaker Bar"
Merchant : HSN |
$1549.95 |