Black Friday 2014 Ads Apple iPad 3rd Generation 16GB Wi-Fi Refurbished
General this Apple iPad 3rd Generation 16GB Wi-Fi Refurbished is extremely well produced, works wonderfully, I understandably think the decide to purchase is really worth extra money. Hot Deal Apple iPad 3rd Generation 16GB Wi-Fi Refurbished
Price : $299.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Apple
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 21d70f0692bc0fe6fc21b1056cf0a75c
Rating :
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Apple iPad 3rd Generation 16GB Wi-Fi Refurbished Description
The new iPad, Wi-Fi, 16GB, Black, Refurbished: Available in 16GB, 32GB or 64GB 9.7-inch Retina display with Multi-Touch Dual-core A5X chip with quad-core graphics 5MP iSight camera and FaceTime camera with VGA-quality photos and video at up to 30 frames per second 1080p HD video recording up to 30 frames per second with audio Built-in 42.5-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi-Fi, watching video, or listening to music Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system Up to 10 hours of battery life Built-in Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n) Cellular data service on Wi-Fi + 4G models (sold separately) Available in black or white iOS 5 and iCloud4 Note: 1GB App count refers to the total number of apps worldwide. FaceTime video calling requires a FaceTime-enabled device and Wi-Fi connection for both caller and recipient. Not available in all areas. Battery life varies by use and configuration. See www. for more information. iCloud requires iOS 5 on iPhone 3GS or later, iPod touch (3rd and 4th generation) , or iPad; a Mac computer with OS X Lion; or a PC with Windows Vista or Windows 7. Some features require a Wi-Fi connection. Some features are not available in all countries. Access to some services is limited to 10 devices. "DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. ALTHOUGH THIS REFURBISHED PRODUCT IS SUBJECT TO WALMART.COM'S RETURN POLICY, THIS REFURBISHED PRODUCT IS SOLD "AS-IS" WITHOUT WALMART.COM OR THE ORIGINAL PRODUCT MANUFACTURER MAKING ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The limited, 90-day warranty covering the refurbished product is being provided to you solely by The Recon Group, Inc. and not or the original product manufacturer." Return Policy. This Refurbished iPad 16GB Wi
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Apple iPad 3rd Generation 16GB Wi-Fi Refurbished
Merchant : Walmart |
$299.00 |