Black Friday Deals 2014 Apple iPad 4 Retina display WiFi 4G Verizon 64GB -White Right Now
Apple iPad 4 Retina display WiFi 4G Verizon 64GB -White is truly high-quality for what it really does. Protect you time and money via buy at trusted online retail stores. Hot Deal Apple iPad 4 Retina display WiFi 4G Verizon 64GB -White
Price : $746.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : CowBoom
Product ID : 8ae2e990a6ad07aa21a26df5a2c33576
Rating :
If you are considering to shopping product at a really good top quality together with an affordable budget plan. We highly recommended this Apple iPad 4 Retina display WiFi 4G Verizon 64GB -White is just one of premium and even more prominent item product that you are seeking. Also if you learn it very carefully regarding item description, functions and handy consumer reviews, naturally you must not reject to get it one. You could examine the recent price through the web link here.
Apple iPad 4 Retina display WiFi 4G Verizon 64GB -White Description
Apple iPad Retina display WiFi 4G Verizon 64GB - WhiteiPad features a stunning Retina display, iSight and FaceTime cameras, the all new A6X chip and ultrafast wireless. And with access to over 275,000 apps on the App Store, you can do more than ever. Features:9.7" Retina displayA6X chip with quad-core graphics5.0MP iSight camera with 1080p HD video recordingFaceTime HD cameraUp to 10 hours of battery lifeBuilt-in Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n) Over 275,000 apps on the App StoreiOS 6 and iCloudData service
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Apple iPad 4 Retina display WiFi 4G Verizon 64GB -White
Merchant : CowBoom |
$746.99 |