Black Friday Sales Apple iPad Mini 16GB WIFI - (Refurbished) Right Now
Apple iPad Mini 16GB WIFI - (Refurbished) available to buy now, absolutely look at latest prices comparison plus delivery suitable for help you to get the great offer.
Price : $314.52 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Apple
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Product ID : 30af7411032ea4a2afc1d71441606fb2
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The product attributes are exceptional and filled with top quality of Apple iPad Mini 16GB WIFI - (Refurbished) is the significant factor that gets it among the product you will grow purchased. And also, it is likewise friendly budget to your budgets also. You can check out the full item explanation and have a look at exclusive promos that have already been updated from the site using click the web link below. You may find the interesting deal and you could not deny it, desire you have the exceptional deal.

Apple iPad Mini 16GB WIFI - (Refurbished) Description
Fitting in the palm of your hand, the Apple iPad mini gives you all the features of a standard iPad but in a smaller form. With a 7.9-inch LED-backlit display and an A5 chip, the iPad mini delivers a beautiful screen with a fast and fluid performance. 5MP iSight camera with 1080p HD video recording and FaceTimeComes in white or blackCertified PrelovedOperating system: Apple iOSDisplay: 7.9-inch colorProcessor: 1 GHz dual-core Apple A5 custom-designedMemory: 512 GB DDRHard drive: 16 GBOptical drive: No Optical DriveNetworking: WIFI only - Wireless Type: 802.11a/b/g/nPorts/interface: Dock, HeadphoneBattery/power supply: Lithium Polymer (25Whr) Model: MD528LL/A (Black) , MD531LL/A (White) Included items: Dock connector to lightning USB cable and power adapterDimensions: 7.87 x 5.3 x 0.28Weight: .69 lbs This high-quality item has been factory refurbished. Please click on the icon above for more information on quality factory-reconditioned merchandise.
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Apple iPad Mini 16GB WIFI - (Refurbished)
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$314.52 | ![]() |