Black Friday Deals 2014 Apple iPad mini (64 GB) with Wi-Fi + AT&T 4G LTE ? Black/Slate ? Model #MD536LL/A Don't Miss
Apple iPad mini (64 GB) with Wi-Fi + AT&T 4G LTE ? Black/Slate ? Model #MD536LL/A is totally high-quality on just what it does. Help you save money and time through decide to purchase at reliable online merchants. Hot Deal Apple iPad mini (64 GB) with Wi-Fi + AT&T 4G LTE ? Black/Slate ? Model #MD536LL/A
Price : $509.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Apple
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Product ID : f2bc771f719b7595a138323229b50bd9
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The product elements are superb and filled with quality of Apple iPad mini (64 GB) with Wi-Fi + AT&T 4G LTE ? Black/Slate ? Model #MD536LL/A is the important idea that gets it one of the product you would acquire possessed. In addition to, it is additionally friendly-budget to your budgets too. You could watch the full item detail and look into wonderful offers that have really been up-dated from the store using click the web link below. You may locate the amazing deal and you can not deny it, desire you get the amazing deal.
Apple iPad mini (64 GB) with Wi-Fi + AT&T 4G LTE ? Black/Slate ? Model #MD536LL/A Description
Apple iPad mini (64 GB) with Wi-Fi + AT&T 4G LTE ? Black/Slate ? Model #MD536LL/A Color: Black & Slate CPU Speed: 1.00GHz LCD Features: 7.9" LED-backlit Multi Touch display with IPS technology Resolution: 1024 x 768 WLAN: Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n) , AT&T 4G LTE Bluetooth: Bluetooth 4.0 Audio Ports: 8-pin "Lightning" connector 3.5-mm stereo headphone minijack Built-in speakers Microphone Nano-SIM card tray Webcam: 5 Megapixel iSight camera (1280p HD video recording) , Front end FaceTime HD Camera (720p HD video recording)
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Apple iPad mini (64 GB) with Wi-Fi + AT&T 4G LTE ? Black/Slate ? Model #MD536LL/A
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$509.99 |