Black Friday 2014 Deals Archos 502420 Arnova 101 G4 8Gb Android Tablet Instantly
In general this Archos 502420 Arnova 101 G4 8Gb Android Tablet is really well made, works amazingly, I positively look into the purchase online is really worth the budget. Hot Offer Archos 502420 Arnova 101 G4 8Gb Android Tablet
Price : $205.48 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Archos
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Product ID : d6c603fdb5f648c4546f3670bbf0ddb2
Rating :
The product features are exceptional and fulled of excellent of Archos 502420 Arnova 101 G4 8Gb Android Tablet is the major factor that allows it one of the product you would grow bought. And, it is too friendly-budget to your wallets also. You can discover the complete product specification and visit extra prices that have really been improved directly from the site via click the web link below. You might possibly search for the beneficial deal and you can not deny it, want you have the wonderful offer.
Archos 502420 Arnova 101 G4 8Gb Android Tablet Description
The ARNOVA 101 G4 gives an excellent tablet experience with a smart combination between high performance hardware and intuitive software. The ARNOVA 101 G4 is perfect to enjoy multimedia features (such as web-browsing full HD video decoding Android applications and games) and share or play with your family and friends. Operating System: Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) . Display: 10.1 - 1024 x 600 - Multi-Touch. Processor: ARM Cortex-A9 (Dual-Core) . Processor Clock Speed: 1.5 GHz. Storage: 8 GB. RAM: 1 GB. Supported Flash Memory Cards: microSD microSDHC. Wireless Connectivity: Wi-Fi. Supported Still Image Formats: BMP GIF JPEG PNG. Features: USB host HDMI Port. Dimensions (WxDxH) : 15.4 cm x 1.25 cm x 27.5 cm. Display: Type: 10.1. Resolution: 1024 x 600. Touchscreen: Multi-Touch. Processor: Processor: ARM Cortex-A9. Processor Clock Speed: 1.5 GHz. Number of Cores: Dual-Core. Memory: Storage: 8 GB. RAM: 1 GB. Supported Flash Memory Cards: microSD microSDHC. Max Supported Capacity: 32 GB. Communications: Wireless Connectivity: Wi-Fi. EBook Reader: Supported Still Image Formats: BMP GIF JPEG PNG. Multimedia: Supported Digital Video Formats: MPEG-4 MOV AVI MPEG M2TS MKV MPEG-4 ASP H.264 High Profile Level 4.1 (up to 1080p) . Audio: Microphone stereo speakers. Supported Digital Audio Formats: MP3 WAV AAC+ OGG FLAC Vorbis PCM AAC3. System Requirements for PC Connection: OS Required: Linux Apple MacOS X Microsoft Windows Vista/ XP Windows 8. Expansion and Connectivity: Expansion Slots: 1 x microSDHC. Interfaces: 2 x Micro-USB
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This Item Available from 2 Store
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Archos 502420 Arnova 101 G4 8Gb Android Tablet
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$205.48 | ||
101 G4 Tablet
Merchant : CompSource |
$139.00 |