Black Friday 2014 Asus Eee Box EB1503-B008G Nettop Computer - Intel Atom D2550 1.86 GHz - Black Instantly
Asus Eee Box EB1503-B008G Nettop Computer - Intel Atom D2550 1.86 GHz - Black available recently, only just find out the latest prices comparison coupled with shipping and delivery readily available for get you the best selection.
Price : $499.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : ASUS
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : 12afbe3dd3081082f13f943fba0d42e0
Rating :

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Asus Eee Box EB1503-B008G Nettop Computer - Intel Atom D2550 1.86 GHz - Black Description
Save space, save power and be entertained Save space, save power and be entertained 90% smaller than most desktop PCs, cleverly-designed ASUS EB1503 frees your space. Including USB 3.0 for instant file sharing with all your devices, the eco-friendly EeeBox consumes 70% less power than most desktop PCs. With all your multimedia needs, ASUS EB1503 is the choice for the home entertainment.Package Contents:; Eee Box EB1503-B008G Nettop Computer; AC Adaptor ; Power Cord ; Warranty Card ; VESA Mount Kit; Quick Start Guide; Keyboard; Mouse Asus Eee Box EB1503-B008G Nettop Computer - Intel Atom D2550 1.86 GHz - Black is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by ASUS.
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