Black Friday Online Deals Asus Eee Pad Transformer Pad Infinity Series TF700T-B1-CG Tablet PC with Bluetooth - nVIDIA Tegra 3 1.6 GHz Processor - 1 GB RAM - 32 GB Flash Memory - 10.1-inch Touchscreen Display - Android 4.0 - Champagne Gold
Generally this Asus Eee Pad Transformer Pad Infinity Series TF700T-B1-CG Tablet PC with Bluetooth - nVIDIA Tegra 3 1.6 GHz Processor - 1 GB RAM - 32 GB Flash Memory - 10.1-inch Touchscreen Display - Android 4.0 - Champagne Gold is really well made, goes to work perfectly, I most surely look into the buy online may well worth the extra money. Hot Offer Asus Eee Pad Transformer Pad Infinity Series TF700T-B1-CG Tablet PC with Bluetooth - nVIDIA Tegra 3 1.6 GHz Processor - 1 GB RAM - 32 GB Flash Memory - 10.1-inch Touchscreen Display - Android 4.0 - Champagne Gold
Price : $300.97 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Asus
Merchant : Tech For Less
Product ID : 57f10837a0e0f818e9a944165dc478be
Rating :
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Asus Eee Pad Transformer Pad Infinity Series TF700T-B1-CG Tablet PC with Bluetooth - nVIDIA Tegra 3 1.6 GHz Processor - 1 GB RAM - 32 GB Flash Memory - 10.1-inch Touchscreen Display - Android 4.0 - Champagne Gold Description
The Asus Eee Pad Transformer Pad Infinity Series TF700T B1 CG Tablet PC delivers first rate performance and rich, bright visuals. Productivity is not sacrificed for portability with the optional docking station with QWERTY keyboard that extends battery life up to 14 hours and the tablets multiple preloaded productivity applications. Scratch resistant Corning Gorilla Glass 2 offers enhanced durability.
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