2014 Black Friday ASUS MeMO Pad HD 7in 16GB Tablet - White Don't Miss
ASUS MeMO Pad HD 7in 16GB Tablet - White is really an amazing items for a really good offer, worth the cost. Completely cheerful.
Price : $128.87 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : ASUS
Merchant : Sam's Club
Product ID : a5928d48bf60740d71dfcd24ef5c25fd
Rating :
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![ASUS MeMO Pad HD 7in 16GB Tablet - White](http://i61.tinypic.com/33lzi81.png)
ASUS MeMO Pad HD 7in 16GB Tablet - White Description
Sometimes, the greatest things do come in smaller packages. The all-new ASUS MeMO Pad HD 7 will make you wonder how we packed so much tablet into such an incredibly light and compact design. Beauty: The MeMO Pad HD 7 combines a beautiful glossy cover with a vibrant 1280 x 800 resolution HD display creating a device you'll want to show off. Available in blue, white, pink, and green. Sound: Experience rich audio on the MeMO Pad HD 7 thanks to the high-quality dual speakers, powered by ASUS exclusive SonicMaster audio technology. The speakers use a metallic construction and large resonance chambers to enhance sound power, fidelity, and balance. Touch: A 10-point multi-touch display gives a more responsive and immersive experience. Response: Armed with a powerful quad-core processor, the MeMO Pad HD 7 offers a premium tablet experience. You'll find an increase in productivity, smoother running games, and quicker app load times. Ubiquity: In addition to offering a long battery life of up to 10 hours for all day entertainment, the MeMO Pad HD 7 is also incredibly light weighing only 0.66 pounds which means it can be taken along wherever the adventure may be. Pair that along with ASUS Webstorage to always have your favorite files updated and at your side. Applications: Supernote - Read, type, write, or draw anywhere
If you call for recommendation about the pros and cons about ASUS MeMO Pad HD 7in 16GB Tablet - White. The easiest method is you can view it through the customer reviews of this product. The real encounters of customers that using the products that just how they give star or rating for this item and exactly what they happy and unhappy relating to this item. One of the most essential is this product could be used exactly as you wish or otherwise. This is just one of the vital details you should discover.