Black Friday 2014 ASUS MeMO Pad ME172V-A1-GR 7.0-Inch 16 GB Tablet (Grey) Don't Miss
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Price : $199.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : ASUS
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Product ID : 6cc820a17e04ae20a5996cc229b1d556
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ASUS MeMO Pad ME172V-A1-GR 7.0-Inch 16 GB Tablet (Grey) Description
ASUS MeMO Pad ME172V-A1-GR 7.0-Inch 16 GB Tablet (Grey) Color: Gray
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ASUS MeMO Pad ME172V-A1-GR 7.0-Inch 16 GB Tablet (Grey)
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$199.00 |