Black Friday 2014 Deals ASUS Official Screen Protector for VivoTab Smart ME40090XB00KP-BSC000 Don't Miss
In general the ASUS Official Screen Protector for VivoTab Smart ME40090XB00KP-BSC000 is exceptionally well created, is working amazingly, I most surely look into the pay money for might be worth any extra budget. Hot Deal ASUS Official Screen Protector for VivoTab Smart ME40090XB00KP-BSC000
Price : $31.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : ASUS
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Product ID : d03cf27a6071b8a1f64f59b1923af92a
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ASUS Official Screen Protector for VivoTab Smart ME40090XB00KP-BSC000 Description
ASUS Official Screen Protector for VivoTab Smart ME40090XB00KP-BSC000 Accessory Type: Screen Protector Features: The Official ME400 Screen Protector by ASUS Includes: 1x Screen Protector, 2x squeegees, 1x cleaning cloth Guards against scratches Finger-print resistant Anti-Glare Bubble resistant
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ASUS Official Screen Protector for VivoTab Smart ME40090XB00KP-BSC000
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$31.99 |