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Price : $439.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
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Merchant : All4Cellular
Product ID : b4e333b42e83d280268641ff8a36fe51
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In case you are usually thinking about to paying for product at a great high quality and also an affordable spending plan. We strongly advised ASUS Tablet EEE Pad Transformer 32GB TF101-B1 - Espresso (Refurbished) is among leading high quality and additional popular item product that you are trying to find. Also if you study it very carefully regarding product specification, features and helpful consumer testimonials, obviously you need to not decline to get it one. You can take a look at the recent price from the web link under here.
ASUS Tablet EEE Pad Transformer 32GB TF101-B1 - Espresso (Refurbished) Description
The ASUS Tablet EEE Pad Transformer 32GB TF101-B1 Features: Runs Android version 3.2 Honeycomb (upgradeable to version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich) NVIDIA Tegra 2 processor Solid easy-grip finish Scratch-resistant Gorilla Glass display 10.1 backlit Multitouch LED display Bluetooth enabled 802.11 b/g/n wireless enabled Mini-HDMI output Two-in-one audio (microphone input/headphone output) MicroSD port 32 GB Flash hard drive Docking port for (not included) attachable keyboard docking station Multiple sensors, including gyroscope, compass, gravity sensor, and light sensor Two cameras (one front-facer and one rear-facer) with HD recording capability SRS stereo speakers Includes one year free trial of unlimited ASUS web storage Includes Polaris Office document editing software.
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ASUS Tablet EEE Pad Transformer 32GB TF101-B1 - Espresso (Refurbished)
Merchant : All4Cellular |
$439.99 |