Black Friday Sales 2014 Asus Transformer Book (T100) 64GB W-Fi Tablet - Gray (Refurbished)
In general the Asus Transformer Book (T100) 64GB W-Fi Tablet - Gray (Refurbished) is very nicely created, is working magnificently, I positively experience the decide to buy most likely be worth extra money. Hot Deal Asus Transformer Book (T100) 64GB W-Fi Tablet - Gray (Refurbished)
Price : $399.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : All4Cellular
Product ID : e2a89431f63cf05447301a52d0832a04
Rating :
In the case that you are considering to shopping product with a fantastic quality including an acceptable budget plan. We strongly recommended this Asus Transformer Book (T100) 64GB W-Fi Tablet - Gray (Refurbished) is just one of high quality and even more preferred item product that you are searching for. Also if you research it thoroughly concerning item specification, functions and useful consumer evaluations, naturally you have to not reject to acquire it one. You could take a look at the up to date price through the hyperlink here.
Asus Transformer Book (T100) 64GB W-Fi Tablet - Gray (Refurbished) Description
Key Features: Runs on the latest Windows 8.1 operating system Powerful Intel Atom Quad Core processor runs at lightning speed Vibrant 10.1 HD display 64GB of storage, 2GB of RAM Wi-Fi connectivity Can go 11 hours between charges Microsoft Office & Student pre-installed.
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Asus Transformer Book (T100) 64GB W-Fi Tablet - Gray (Refurbished)
Merchant : All4Cellular |
$399.00 |