Black Friday Deals Aten Rack Mount LCD
With Aten Rack Mount LCD you primarily check out the extra benefits that will match you need, immensely important it actually is a good product for value.
Price : $1399.95 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Aten
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : c7b59ac1077dc3044213ec0e59d4dd96
Rating :
When you are usually looking to ordering item with a superb high quality and a practical spending plan. We extremely advised this Aten Rack Mount LCD is one of premium and more preferred item product that you are looking for. Also if you research it very carefully regarding product information, features and handy customer overviews, naturally you must certainly not reject to buy it one. You could check the present price through the link below.
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Aten Rack Mount LCD Description
The CL5708N Slideaway LCD KVMP Switch is a control unit that allows access to multiple computers from a single PS/2 or USB KVM (keyboard, video, and mouse) console. A single CL5708N can control up to 8 computers. As many as 31 additional KVM switches can be daisy-chained to the CL5708N, so that up to 256 computers can all be controlled from a single KVM console.The CL5708N incorporates a single USB hub for sharing USB devices on a one at a time basis among first tier servers, this allows updates, and software installations to be performed from the common console, no need to connect an external drive to each server, or interfere with your network traffic.The CL5708N offers a space-saving, streamlined approach to KVM switch technology by integrating a keyboard, 19in. LCD monitor, and touchpad in a 1U rack-mountable sliding housing.Package Contents:; Rack Mount LCD; 2 x Custom KVM Cable Sets; 1 x 5-in-1 Console Cable; 1 x Power Cord; 1 x Firmware Upgrade Cable; 1 x Grounding Wire; 1 x User Manual; 1 x Quick Start Guide Aten Rack Mount LCD is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by Aten.
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