2014 Black Friday Deals Balt Mobile Charging 24 Slot Laptop Tablet Cart 40"H Don't Miss
If you should compared product attributes and price. Balt Mobile Charging 24 Slot Laptop Tablet Cart 40"H is a reasonable substitute for spend money on.
Price : $849.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Balt
Merchant : National Business Furniture
Product ID : 9b473062003d5350ca35b633305dfbf3
Rating :

The product features are superb and fulled of excellent of Balt Mobile Charging 24 Slot Laptop Tablet Cart 40"H is the weighty purpose that takes it among the item you will certainly really get purchased. Along with, it is too friendly budget to your wallets also. You can show the complete product specification and have a look at wonderful prices that have possibly been up-dated from the shop through click the hyperlink below. You may select the exciting deal and you can not refuse it, wish you get the excellent price.

Balt Mobile Charging 24 Slot Laptop Tablet Cart 40"H Description
Store your tablets in one convenient location, and charge them too with this cart. Seven adjustable shelves (3"H x 44" W x 14" D when evenly spaced) make this 24 slot cart a flexible storage solution. This laptop cart is constructed with perforated steel and a scratchresistant highpressure laminate top. It features seven adjustable steel shelves, two UL approved 12outlet power strips to charge devices while protecting them from power surges, front and rear locking access, and 24 slots to hold tablets and laptops. The large 4" casters, two locking, make it easy to take with you anywhere you need to go. Fits iPad, iPad mini, most laptops, netbooks, OtterBox protected iPads, HP TouchPad, Dell Streak, and Samsung Galaxy. Assembly required. 27652
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