Black Friday 2014 BasAcc Black S Shape TPU Rubber Case for LG Nexus 4 E960 Right Now
BasAcc Black S Shape TPU Rubber Case for LG Nexus 4 E960 is actually a very good gadgets at a great total price, worth the cost. Actually pleased. Hot Deal BasAcc Black S Shape TPU Rubber Case for LG Nexus 4 E960
Price : $2.49 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : BasAcc
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Product ID : e2e8916b9cacb5255116ce4a4931c635
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When you are certainly considering to getting product with an amazing top quality as well as an acceptable budget plan. We strongly suggested BasAcc Black S Shape TPU Rubber Case for LG Nexus 4 E960 is just one of top-notch and additional prominent item item that you are looking for. Also if you learn it very carefully regarding item description, features and useful customer evaluations, obviously you need to not decline to buy it one. You can check out the current price from the link here.
BasAcc Black S Shape TPU Rubber Case for LG Nexus 4 E960 Description
This is a BasAcc Black S Shape TPU case for LG Nexus 4 E960. Protect your cell phone against bumps and scratches with this case. Compatible:LG Nexus 4 E960 Delivers instant protectionAllows easy access to all functionsReduces chance of signal lossTPU offers more cut, tear, and abrasion resistance than regular rubberShock absorbent, shatterproof, and anti-scratch materialStiff to touch yet flexibleColor: Black S ShapeMaterial: TPU rubber All rights reserved. All trade names are registered trademarks of respective manufacturers listed.CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product may contain one or more chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and/or other reproductive harm.
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BasAcc Black S Shape TPU Rubber Case for LG Nexus 4 E960
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$2.49 |