Black Friday Sale BasAcc Case/ Screen Protector/ Chargers for Google Nexus 7 Right Now
BasAcc Case/ Screen Protector/ Chargers for Google Nexus 7 available for purchase presently, actually notice recent selling prices comparison along with shipping and delivery suitable for assist you in getting the best offer. Hot Offer BasAcc Case/ Screen Protector/ Chargers for Google Nexus 7
Price : $12.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : BasAcc
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Product ID : 9b6275f7471a34e5447af960a8806300
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The product features are excellent and loaded with quality of BasAcc Case/ Screen Protector/ Chargers for Google Nexus 7 is the main idea that makes it among the item you shall obtain had. In addition to, it is too friendly-budget to your pockets as well. You can check out the full item explanation and look at special offers that have already been upgraded from the shop via click the web link here. You can find the exciting deal and you can not refute it, wish you have the very good offer.
BasAcc Case/ Screen Protector/ Chargers for Google Nexus 7 Description
This is a BasAcc 4-piece set for Google Nexus 7. Protect your tablet against bumps and scratches with this accessory set. Compatible:Google Nexus 7 Includes:Leather case with standScreen ProtectorTravel chargerCar charger Leather case with stand:Heavy-duty stitchingAuto-securing magnetic flapCase cover can be turned into a horizontal standUnique design allows easy access to all buttons, controls and ports without having to remove the caseMaterial: Synthetic Leather with Suede InteriorColor: Red Screen Protector:Tough, durable, transparent materialLeaves no glue residueAnti-scratch filmReduces eye strain Travel/ Car charger:Prevents overchargingProtects against short circuitsLED charging indicationColor: Black All rights reserved. All trade names are registered trademarks of respective manufacturers listed.CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product may contain one or more chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and/or other reproductive harm.
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BasAcc Case/ Screen Protector/ Chargers for Google Nexus 7
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$12.99 |