Black Friday 2014 Deals BasAcc Case/ Screen Protector/ Headset/ Stylus for Google Nexus 7 Instantly
Finally the BasAcc Case/ Screen Protector/ Headset/ Stylus for Google Nexus 7 is perfectly created, is working wonderfully, I most surely feel the shop for is worth any extra money. Hot Offer BasAcc Case/ Screen Protector/ Headset/ Stylus for Google Nexus 7
Price : $14.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : BasAcc
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Product ID : 4df62dd299fbb6f809860cc5d9a42508
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In case that you are actually considering to acquiring product at an exceptional quality along with a sensible budget. We extremely advised BasAcc Case/ Screen Protector/ Headset/ Stylus for Google Nexus 7 is one of top quality and even more preferred product product that you are searching for. Even if you learn it thoroughly about product information, functions and useful consumer testimonials, obviously you have to not reject to get it one. You could inspect the recent price through the hyperlink under here.
BasAcc Case/ Screen Protector/ Headset/ Stylus for Google Nexus 7 Description
This is a BasAcc 9-piece set for Google Nexus 7. Protect your cell phone against bumps and scratches with this accessory set. Compatible:Google Nexus 7 Includes:Leather case with standScreen Protector x 2Travel chargerCar chargerUSB data cableStylus x 2Headset Leather case with stand:Heavy-duty stitchingAuto-securing magnetic flapCase cover turns into a horizontal standAllows easy access to all functions without removing the caseMaterial: Synthetic LeatherColor: Black Screen Protector:Leaves no glue residueAnti-scratch filmReduces eye strain Travel/ Car charger:Prevents overchargingLED charging indicationColor: Black USB data cable:2-in-1 cableCharges phone and transfers data simultaneouslyColor: Black Stylus:Length: 4 inchMaterial: MetalColor: Black Headset:Integrated earpieces and microphoneCord mounted ON/ OFF buttonColor: Black All rights reserved. All trade names are registered trademarks of respective manufacturers listed.California PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product may contain one or more chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and/or other reproductive harm.
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BasAcc Case/ Screen Protector/ Headset/ Stylus for Google Nexus 7
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$14.99 |