Black Friday 2014 BasAcc Rose Pink Case for Samsung Google Nexus S Instantly
With this BasAcc Rose Pink Case for Samsung Google Nexus S you just recently look at features that hook up with you really need, highly recommended it is usually a good product for value. Hot Deal BasAcc Rose Pink Case for Samsung Google Nexus S
Price : $3.49 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : eforCity
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Product ID : 5daa29bdf77a2cae6d3e8f6d7681fcc9
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BasAcc Rose Pink Case for Samsung Google Nexus S Description
This is BasAcc rose pink cell phone case for Samsung Google Nexus S. Protect your phone from bumps and scratches. Easy access to all buttons, controls, and portsAdds instant protectionColor: Rose Pink Compatibility:Samsung Google Nexus S All rights reserved. All trade names are registered trademarks of respective manufacturers listed. Samsung is a registered trademark in the United States or other countries. Samsung does not endorse use of these products.California PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product may contain one or more chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and/or other reproductive harm.
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BasAcc Rose Pink Case for Samsung Google Nexus S
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$3.49 |