Black Friday 2014 BasAcc Screen Protector for Google Tablet 7 (Pack of 5)
BasAcc Screen Protector for Google Tablet 7 (Pack of 5) is extremely an amazing devices with a incredibly good offer, worth the cost. Actually pleased. Hot Deal BasAcc Screen Protector for Google Tablet 7 (Pack of 5)
Price : $6.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : BasAcc
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Product ID : eb3cf0a12dd5e0c738ea8ff6288a6d05
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The product features are outstanding and fulled of quality of BasAcc Screen Protector for Google Tablet 7 (Pack of 5) is the main reason that takes it among the product you will certainly acquire had. In addition to, it is usually friendly-budget to your wallets as well. You can watch the complete item explanation and examine out excellent promos that have recently been updated from the store via click the link below. You may get the interesting deal and you could not deny it, wish you get the wonderful offer.
BasAcc Screen Protector for Google Tablet 7 (Pack of 5) Description
This is a set of 5 BasAcc screen protectors for Google Nexus 7. Protect your tablet against dust and scratches with this set. Compatible: Google Nexus 7 Includes: 5 x Screen protector Screen protector: Tough, durable, transparent material Anti-scratch surface Reduces eye strain Leave no glue residue Note: Screen protector is designed for Google Nexus 7 2012 edition ONLY; NOT compatible with Google Nexus 7 2013 edition All rights reserved. All trade names are registered trademarks of respective manufacturers listed. CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product may contain one or more chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and/or other reproductive harm.
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BasAcc Screen Protector for Google Tablet 7 (Pack of 5)
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$6.99 |