Black Friday Deals 2014 Bauer Nexus 8000 Sr. Elbow Pads Instantly
Bauer Nexus 8000 Sr. Elbow Pads for purchase instantly, actually find most current prices comparison coupled with delivery suitable for assist you in getting a huge selection.
Price : $99.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Bauer
Merchant : Hockey Monkey
Product ID : 3eab42d9adb364c4a98081aad9c7e85a
Rating :

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Bauer Nexus 8000 Sr. Elbow Pads Description
Protection: Cap: Injected cap with HF top covering Bicep Guard: EPP Foam with dome protection Wrist Guard: EPP Foam + PE insert Fit/Mobility: Overall Fit: Classic Bicep Construction: Multi segmented bicep guard Interior Elbow Joint: Interior donut sling Strapping System: 3-Strap system with anchor strap Liner: 37.5 technology
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Bauer Nexus 8000 Sr. Elbow Pads
Merchant : Hockey Monkey |
$99.99 | ![]() |