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Price : $9.86 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Shounuo
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : dfd54077a76c5782eae02a5d5829544a
Rating :
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Blue 5V 4.8A dual usb port portable navigation car charger power adapter for tablet PC pad & cell phone /Sony Ericssion/blueberry/htc Description
Blue 5V 4.8A dual usb port portable navigation car charger power adapter for tablet PC pad & cell phone /Sony Ericssion/blueberry/htc Compatible Phone Manufacturer: Universal Adapter: USB Length: 2.4 feet Standard USB Port: 2 Output Volt: 5V Output Amp: 4800 Support Volt: 12V-24V Specifications: no
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Blue 5V 4.8A dual usb port portable navigation car charger power adapter for tablet PC pad & cell phone /Sony Ericssion/blueberry/htc
Merchant : Newegg.com |
$9.86 |