Black Friday Deals Blue eyes 9.7" 10" 10.2" inch Laptop Netbook Tablet Case Sleeve Carrying bag with Hide Handle For iPad/Asus EeePC/Acer Aspire one/Dell inspiron mini/Samsung N14 Don't Miss
With this Blue eyes 9.7" 10" 10.2" inch Laptop Netbook Tablet Case Sleeve Carrying bag with Hide Handle For iPad/Asus EeePC/Acer Aspire one/Dell inspiron mini/Samsung N14 you only just to determine the benefits which will match you want, strongly recommended it actually is a good product for value.
Price : $11.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : ColorfulCase Computer Tech. Co., Ltd
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Product ID : 322a1b4799b655d202ee9a16f565c8c0
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Blue eyes 9.7" 10" 10.2" inch Laptop Netbook Tablet Case Sleeve Carrying bag with Hide Handle For iPad/Asus EeePC/Acer Aspire one/Dell inspiron mini/Samsung N14 Description
Blue eyes 9.7" 10" 10.2" inch Laptop Netbook Tablet Case Sleeve Carrying bag with Hide Handle For iPad/Asus EeePC/Acer Aspire one/Dell inspiron mini/Samsung N145/Lenovo S205/HP Touchpad Mini 210 Case Type: Sleeve Material: Neoprene Accent Color: Black Fit Most Screen Size: 10" Features: Brilliant,Personality,Never fade Function: Tablet PC
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