Black Friday 2014 Brenthaven Broadmore Tech Pack Tablet Case (Black) Computer Bags
Brenthaven Broadmore Tech Pack Tablet Case (Black) Computer Bags is truly a very good items at the amazing offer, worth the cost. Actually pleased. Hot Deal Brenthaven Broadmore Tech Pack Tablet Case (Black) Computer Bags
Price : $51.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Brenthaven
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Product ID : 264fb8a34ccb400b75a19ec1bd070968
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The product features are outstanding and fulled of quality of Brenthaven Broadmore Tech Pack Tablet Case (Black) Computer Bags is the main reason that takes it among the product you will certainly acquire had. In addition to, it is usually friendly-budget to your wallets as well. You can watch the complete item explanation and examine out excellent promos that have recently been updated from the store via click the link below. You may get the interesting deal and you could not deny it, wish you get the wonderful offer.
Brenthaven Broadmore Tech Pack Tablet Case (Black) Computer Bags Description
Make your commute a pleasure by keeping your tech handy in the Brenthaven Broadmore Tablet Case.Pack is designed to accommodate all versions of the iPad including the iPad (2) and iPad with retina display or any other similarly sized tablet.Made from rugged ballistic nylon with durable PVC-free polyurethane coating.Nappa leather trim adds an air of luxury.Adjustable webbing shoulder strap allows you to wear the pack over your shoulder or as a crossbody. Grab handle at top.Zippered front pocket for quick access items and zippered front organization compartment keeps everything in place.Zippered main compartment with interior quilted and padded tablet compartment, lined phone pocket and interior zippered pocket.Pinstripe polyester interior lining adds a touch of pop while protecting your tablet from scratches. Measurements:Bottom Width: 10 inDepth: 3 inHeight: 12 inStrap Length: 60 inStrap Drop: 25 inHandle Length: 8 inHandle Drop: 2 inWeight: 1 lb 2 oz
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Brenthaven Broadmore Tech Pack Tablet Case (Black) Computer Bags
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$51.99 |