Black Friday 2014 BuyBatts Car Adapter Fits Gateway Tablet PC M7351U, M1300, C5815, M6316, M6318, M6319, M6320, M6323, M6324, M6325, M6334, M6340, M6340U, M6824, M6834, M6841, M6
When you have to in comparison gadget attributes and cost. BuyBatts Car Adapter Fits Gateway Tablet PC M7351U, M1300, C5815, M6316, M6318, M6319, M6320, M6323, M6324, M6325, M6334, M6340, M6340U, M6824, M6834, M6841, M6 is a wonderful option to shop for. Hot Deal BuyBatts Car Adapter Fits Gateway Tablet PC M7351U, M1300, C5815, M6316, M6318, M6319, M6320, M6323, M6324, M6325, M6334, M6340, M6340U, M6824, M6834, M6841, M6
Price : $21.97 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : BuyBatts
Merchant :
Product ID : a18b3c53cf10e4ab57d847f9edc1783a
Rating :
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BuyBatts Car Adapter Fits Gateway Tablet PC M7351U, M1300, C5815, M6316, M6318, M6319, M6320, M6323, M6324, M6325, M6334, M6340, M6340U, M6824, M6834, M6841, M6 Description
BuyBatts Car Adapter Fits Gateway Tablet PC M7351U, M1300, C5815, M6316, M6318, M6319, M6320, M6323, M6324, M6325, M6334, M6340, M6340U, M6824, M6834, M6841, M6844, M6847, M6849, M6878H, M6883 Laptops Type: Auto Adapter Compatibility: Gateway Tablet PC M7351U, M1300, C5815, M6316, M6318, M6319, M6320, M6323, M6324, M6325, M6334, M6340, M6340U, M6824, M6834, M6841, M6844, M6847, M6849, M6878H, M6883 AC Adapter Voltage: 19.00V AC Adapter Current: 3.42A AC Adapter Output Power: 65W Parts: 1 Year Labor: 1 Year
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