Black Friday Deals 2014 Carstens Tablet WallMounted Workstation Almond Finish Don't Miss
Carstens Tablet WallMounted Workstation Almond Finish is really an extremely good stuff at the great deal, worth every dollar. Truly joyful.
Price : $859.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Carstens
Merchant : National Business Furniture
Product ID : e7505eae0591ebef4c1a8a891baf749a
Rating :

The product attributes are exceptional and loadeded with good quality of Carstens Tablet WallMounted Workstation Almond Finish is the significant purpose that gets it one of the product you will certainly acquire had. Increased, it is usually friendly budget to your wallets as well. You could view the full item explanation and have a look at excellent promotions that have actually been updated from the site through click the hyperlink here. You may buy the interesting offer and you could not reject it, want you get the good deal.

Carstens Tablet WallMounted Workstation Almond Finish Description
Tablet WallMounted Workstation has a slim profile design, perfect for spaceconstrained patient rooms. Protect patient data with builtin keyless locking mechanism. Can store two of each 1", 11/2", 2" or 3" side or top opening binders, or letter or legal size clipboard. Door has builtin recessed handle. Matte finish helps eliminate fingerprints and glare. Smooth design and quiet operated semiautomatic door helps prevent injury by slowly bringing the doors back to resting postition. Door safely holds 50lbs when in open position. Vent holes and fans are optional in upper compartment. Meets ADA requirements and OSHPD compliant in California. Wall workstation can be customized for Electronic Charting Access; please call for more information. Product ships fully assembled. Manufacturer's warranty applies 3 years. 6658-AT
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Carstens Tablet WallMounted Workstation Almond Finish
Merchant : National Business Furniture |
$859.00 | ![]() |