Black Friday 2014 Deals Chip PC Xtreme PC LXD-8541F SFP Ultra Small Thin Client - Marvell ARMADA PXA510 800 MHz - Black Instantly
If you should in comparison gadget abilities and price. This Chip PC Xtreme PC LXD-8541F SFP Ultra Small Thin Client - Marvell ARMADA PXA510 800 MHz - Black is a nice decision to get.
Price : $399.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Chip PC
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : 8ce0fc60b64e784dadf9deb7d15659fa
Rating :

The product features are excellent and fulled of quality of Chip PC Xtreme PC LXD-8541F SFP Ultra Small Thin Client - Marvell ARMADA PXA510 800 MHz - Black is the key factor that takes it one of the item you would acquire owned. And also, it is also friendly budget to your wallets too. You can watch the complete product explanation and inspect out wonderful advertisings that have really been up-dated coming from the store via click the web link here. You could select the very cool deal and you could not refuse it, wish you get the great offer.

Chip PC Xtreme PC LXD-8541F SFP Ultra Small Thin Client - Marvell ARMADA PXA510 800 MHz - Black Description
Xtreme PC LXD8541F revolutionary SFP-Enabled thin client provides you with the flexibility and modularity to connect Chip PC Technologies' high-end, powerful thin client to any network infrastructure available in your organization, including Fiber Optic and Copper networks. Xtreme PC LXD8541F was specifically developed to address the needs for highsecurity thin desktops for defense and law-enforcement organizations and built for high- security applications that require low-emanations and secured protocols as standard. Featuring support for any 100Base/1000Base SFP module, Xtreme PC LXD8541F smoothly operates with either fiber optic or CAT5 LAN copper networks and is more secured and capable than most desktop PCs. The combination of ultra-green platform with very low power consumption, state of the art high-reliability hardware design and unparalleled management software position it as the ultimate choice for enterprise users.Package Contents:; Xtreme PC LXD-8541F SFP Thin Client; Power Adapter Chip PC Xtreme PC LXD-8541F SFP Ultra Small Thin Client - Marvell ARMADA PXA510 800 MHz - Black is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by Chip PC.
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Chip PC Xtreme PC LXD-8541F SFP Ultra Small Thin Client - Marvell ARMADA PXA510 800 MHz - Black
Merchant : Office Depot |
$399.00 | ![]() |