2014 Black Friday Cisco N2K-C2232PP-10GE Nexus 2000 Series 10GE Fabric Extender, 2PS, 1 Fan Module, 32x10GE (req SFP+) + Instantly
If you should compared device specifications and price. Cisco N2K-C2232PP-10GE Nexus 2000 Series 10GE Fabric Extender, 2PS, 1 Fan Module, 32x10GE (req SFP+) + is a good decision to pay for.
Price : $5909.96 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Cisco Systems, Inc.
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : 02da71a37e60ffe5261db1150864cf79
Rating :

Among extremely good product is include Cisco N2K-C2232PP-10GE Nexus 2000 Series 10GE Fabric Extender, 2PS, 1 Fan Module, 32x10GE (req SFP+) + approved from a great deal of reviews coming from genuine consumers verified that Cisco N2K-C2232PP-10GE Nexus 2000 Series 10GE Fabric Extender, 2PS, 1 Fan Module, 32x10GE (req SFP+) + is great and useful product and well worth the money that they spent. If you have any type of problems about the functions of the item or wish to examine the latest price of the item. Right now select the link below, you shall locate a reasonable offers that irrefutable.

Cisco N2K-C2232PP-10GE Nexus 2000 Series 10GE Fabric Extender, 2PS, 1 Fan Module, 32x10GE (req SFP+) + Description
Cisco N2K-C2232PP-10GE Nexus 2000 Series 10GE Fabric Extender, 2PS, 1 Fan Module, 32x10GE (req SFP+) + Specifications: The Cisco Nexus 2232PP supports the following features: 32 10 Gigabit Ethernet and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) server access ports using SFP+ SR and LR optical or CX1 direct-attach copper interconnects 8 10 Gigabit Ethernet and FCoE uplink ports using SFP+ SR and LR optical or CX1 direct-attach copper interconnects Low-latency, cut-through switching, ideal for 10 Gigabit Ethernet server and pass-through blade server connectivity Unified fabric environments IEEE Data Center Bridging (DCB) Host PortChannel and vPC (up to 8 PortChannel members per PortChannel, with no restriction on the number of PortChannels) ISSU Highly scalable virtual modular system with up to 384 10 Gigabit Ethernet and FCoE ports Compact 1RU form factor Front-to-back cooling compatible with data center hot-aisle and cold-aisle designs, with all switch...
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