Black Friday 2014 Cisco Nexus 1110-S Virtual Services Appliance High-Availability Right Now

In general this Cisco Nexus 1110-S Virtual Services Appliance High-Availability is really well manufactured, actually works wonderfully, I truly think the purchase decision may be worth the money.

Cisco Nexus 1110-S Virtual Services Appliance High-Availability

Hot Deal Cisco Nexus 1110-S Virtual Services Appliance High-Availability
Price : $29550.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Cisco Systems
Merchant : Howard Store
Product ID : b78dce14a677e2522a9895ae1e089074
Rating :

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Cisco Nexus 1110-S Virtual Services Appliance High-Availability

Cisco Nexus 1110-S Virtual Services Appliance High-Availability Description

Cisco Nexus 1110-S Virtual Services Appliance High-Availability - Application accelerator - 6 ports - 10Mb LAN, 100Mb LAN, Gigabit LAN - 1U - rack-mountable

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This Item Available from 1 Store

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Cisco Nexus 1110-S Virtual Services Appliance High-Availability
Merchant : Howard Store
price as of : 2014-11-09