Black Friday 2014 Ads Clear Front and Back Screen Protector with Cleaning Cloth for iPhone 5 Instantly
Clear Front and Back Screen Protector with Cleaning Cloth for iPhone 5 is certainly a very good gadgets at the good price, worth every penny. Really joyful. Hot Offer Clear Front and Back Screen Protector with Cleaning Cloth for iPhone 5
Price : $2.49 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : d8a8f3b393aea74b30450ca6dcb1533b
Rating :
The product attributes are superb and loaded with high quality of Clear Front and Back Screen Protector with Cleaning Cloth for iPhone 5 is the key factor that makes it one of the item you may really get had. Plus, it is additionally friendly-budget to your pockets too. You can show the complete item specification and visit great promotions that have probably been improved from the shop using click the hyperlink below. You may find the amazing offer and you can not deny it, want you have the awesome deal.
Clear Front and Back Screen Protector with Cleaning Cloth for iPhone 5 Description
TYPE:Screen Protector; Compatible Models:iPhone 5; Dimensions (cm) :16.8x10x0.2; Weight (kg) :0.009
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