2014 Black Friday Deals DELL LATITUDE Intel Core i3 4GB Memory 128GB 10.8" Touchscreen Tablet Right Now
Total this DELL LATITUDE Intel Core i3 4GB Memory 128GB 10.8" Touchscreen Tablet is very effectively made, really works amazingly, I definitely notice the purchase online may be worth extra money.
Price : $1020.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : NA
Merchant : Quill.com
Product ID : 1c51388ceefd7de39ed241a980b427ce
Rating :
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DELL LATITUDE Intel Core i3 4GB Memory 128GB 10.8" Touchscreen Tablet Description
Memory RAM / Memory Speed / Memory Type / Installed Memory, Expandable to : 4 GB, 1600/PC3-12800, DDR3 SDRAM, 4 GB.
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
DELL LATITUDE Intel Core i3 4GB Memory 128GB 10.8" Touchscreen Tablet
Merchant : Quill.com |
$1020.99 | ![]() |