Black Friday Sales 2014 Dell LATITUDE XT TABLET 12.1" LCD LED Screen Display Panel WXGA SLIM Don't Miss

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Hot Offer Dell LATITUDE XT TABLET 12.1" LCD LED Screen Display Panel WXGA SLIM
Price : $69.30 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : DELL
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Product ID : f0ecda2b7c43c34b58c24a95ebaa7799
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Dell LATITUDE XT TABLET 12.1" LCD LED Screen Display Panel WXGA SLIM Description

Dell LATITUDE XT TABLET 12.1" LCD LED Screen Display Panel WXGA SLIM Type: Replacement Screen

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Dell LATITUDE XT TABLET 12.1" LCD LED Screen Display Panel WXGA SLIM
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price as of : 2014-11-09