Black Friday 2014 Dell Venue 7 Tablet Case 7-inch Black Review
Dell Venue 7 Tablet Case 7-inch Black is totally high quality on the things it absolutely does. Save you money and time with decide to purchase at trusted sites online.
Price : $20.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Dell
Merchant :
Product ID : abf268075eef45aa07f74067ca60f6a2
Rating :
One of exceptional product is include Dell Venue 7 Tablet Case 7-inch Black approved via a bunch of comments directly from actual consumers validated that Dell Venue 7 Tablet Case 7-inch Black is great and functional item and well worth the cash that they paid for. If you have any kind of questions regarding the attributes of the product or want to inspect the up-to-date price of this item. Simply click on the web link below, you will locate a nice offers that certain.
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Dell Venue 7 Tablet Case 7-inch Black Description
The Dell Tablet Case is a custom made solution to help protect your Dell Venue 7. Providing rear and side coverage, the Dell Tablet Case is an essential companion to your Dell Tablet. With a minimalistic design, the case provides both quality and convenience and is designed with open access to all of your tablet's ports. It features a durable polycarbonate material which can be wiped clean and is custom molded to protect your tablet. Manufacturer Part: 1CK2Y Dell Part: 460-BBHTProduct Type: Protective cover for web tabletWeb Tablet Compatibility: 7-inchDimensions: 4.8 inches high x 0.5 inch wide x 7.6 inches deepWeight: 1.3 ouncesMaterial: PolycarbonateColor: BlackManufacturer Warranty: 3 years warrantyDesigned For: Venue 7Type: Protective coverRecommended Use: For web tabletWeb Tablet Compatibility: 7-inchFeatures: Scratch-proof, dust resistant, camera lens cutout, port cut-outs
If you are unclear on whether to buy Dell Venue 7 Tablet Case 7-inch Black or otherwise, the way to assist you determine this problem is to look at a number of customer reviews of this product. Read numerous assessments to identify whether it is a product that satisfies your precise wants or what this product could give you some truly helpful or are you can overlooked some cons of it. So all of that make you get a purchase for a great reason and worth the money you spend.