Black Friday Deals Dell Venue 8 Tablet Case 8-inch Clear Review
Over-all this Dell Venue 8 Tablet Case 8-inch Clear is perfectly designed, is working wonderfully, I most likely look into the purchasing will be worth the money. Hot Offer Dell Venue 8 Tablet Case 8-inch Clear
Price : $22.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Dell
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Product ID : f4a996d45f1b238844d9743e963cbccd
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Dell Venue 8 Tablet Case 8-inch Clear Description
The Dell Tablet Case is a custom made solution to help protect your Dell Venue 8. Providing rear and side coverage, the Dell Tablet Case is an essential companion to your Dell Tablet. With a minimalistic design, the case provides both quality and convenience and is designed with open access to all of your tablet's ports. It features a durable polycarbonate material which can be wiped clean and is custom molded to protect your tablet. Product Type: Protective cover for web tabletDesigned For Venue 8 ProWeb Tablet Compatibility: 8 inches Type: Protective cover Recommended Use: For web tablet Features: Port cut-outsDimensions: 5.2 inches high x 0.5 inch wide x 8.4 inches deep Weight 1.6 ouncesMaterial: Polycarbonate Color: Clear Manufacturer Warranty: 3 years warranty
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