Black Friday Sale DHL Free Shipping Pipo M6 Pro 3G Quad core tablet pc Android 4.2 9.7 inch Capacitive Screen IPS Retina 2048x1536 2GB HDMI GPS 2GB DDR3 RAM 16GB Nand Flash Rockc
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Price : $369.97 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : PIPO
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Product ID : 28368f3c0e4ee79accd1d68edac60a2b
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DHL Free Shipping Pipo M6 Pro 3G Quad core tablet pc Android 4.2 9.7 inch Capacitive Screen IPS Retina 2048x1536 2GB HDMI GPS 2GB DDR3 RAM 16GB Nand Flash Rockc Description
DHL Free Shipping Pipo M6 Pro 3G Quad core tablet pc Android 4.2 9.7 inch Capacitive Screen IPS Retina 2048x1536 2GB HDMI GPS 2GB DDR3 RAM 16GB Nand Flash Rockchip RK3188 ARM Cortex-A9 Color: Black CPU Speed: Up to 1.6GHz Resolution: 2048 x 1536 WLAN: Wifi 802.11 b/g/n Bluetooth: Yes Webcam: Yes Function: Tablet PC
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